Song Nhi Blog

How To Live Well Without A Job

I quit my job.

I know you’re thinking I’m insane. But honestly, i’m enjoying my life right now.

Even though I’m going to jump into the job hunting soon, for now I’m happy with my own life. No alarm clock. No sitting 8 hours in the office doing a task that I don’t want to.

Of course, not everyone can live without a job. People need to pay the rent, get food or raise a family. And a traditional job comes to their rescue.

Therefore, in today’s article, I’d like to discuss how I prepared for this situation, and how can you live well without a job too…

1. Become debt free

If you always worry about repayments, you cannot live well without a job for sure. So, the first step in becoming “job free” in the near future starts with becoming debt free.

2. Create passive income streams

When I said I quit my job, I didn’t mean that I don’t have any other income. The job I want to mention here is the traditional one – the “employee” rat race.

If you want to actually own your time and don’t have to abide by someone else’s schedule or accept the amount of money that an employer is willing to pay, find another income. Start a blog. Get a freelance job. Nowadays, you can easily find a side income from home via internet.

Do whatever you want that suits your skills most.

3. Create an Emergency fund

When it comes to personal finance, it’s best to “plan for the worst and hope for the best”.
If you spend every last penny you earn soon after payday, you will find yourself in quite a muddle.

Imagine there is something happened at work and for some reason you don’t get paid or even worse, you lose your job. How can you manage and overcome it?

Or even receiving your salary just a few days late can also cause considerable discomfort and stress. Don’t put yourself in that situation. Do yourself a favor. Save a little money each month. Put it into an emergency fund.

That way, when life presents an emergency, you can feel confident about dealing with it without needing to worry about money. Moreover, you’ll also have suitable funds to keep you going if you decide to quit your traditional job.

4. Cut unnecessary expenses

When it comes to gaining control of your finances, the most important step you need to take is reducing unnecessary spending.

In fact, the sooner you learn how to stop spending money uncontrollably, the bigger benefits become. Every time you avoid spending unnecessary money, and instead put this money into saving account, is another step in the right direction to your financial dream, whether that’s getting out of debt, saving up for a rainy day or making it much easier to live well without a job.

6. Find free ways to enjoy yourself

We all know that the real benefit of living without a job is all the time that is suddenly available to you. Don’t waste it, lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself. Instead find free ways to enjoy yourself. Read book. Learn Yoga. Spend time with friends and family.

This is your time. Have some rest, and then come back stronger and more refreshed than ever.

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